(IX) Ch-10 Hyper Text Markup Language

1. Fill in the blanks: (a) HTML was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990. (b) The full form of HTML is Hyper Text Mark up Language. (c) Paired tag contains Opening tag and closing tag. (d) Examples of singular tags are <BR> and <IMG>. (e) There are six levels of the heading tag. (f) An image can be inserted into the HTML document using <img> tag. (g) Pictures or images are added to the HTML document to make it more attractive. (h) <marquee> tag provides scrolling text. (i) Examples of pair tags are <body> and <head> tag. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: (a) HTML is a programming language. False (b) HTML tags are not case sensitive. True (c) Tim Berners Lee developed HTML. True (d) Pair tags must not have a closing tag. False (e) </line> tag is used to insert a vertical line. False (f) If the specified font is not available then the browser used the default font. True (g) An image can be inserted in the web page using <img> tag. True (h) A table is a collection of data with rows and columns. True (i) A table header row is defined with <TD> tag. False 3. Write down the syntax and purpose of the following HTML tags: (i) <body> Syntax of Body Tag: