(XII) C Program for Exam

Q1. Write a C program to create a data file "booklist.txt" which stores book_id, book_name and book_author according to user want and display all records of file "booklist.txt"
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int book_id; char book_name[30],book_author[30]; char ch='y'; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("booklist.txt","w"); while(ch!='n') { printf("Enter book id, name and author: "); scanf("%d%s%s",&book_id,book_name,book_author); fprintf(fp,"%d\t %s\t %s\n",book_id,book_name,book_author); printf("Add more records : "); scanf(" %c",&ch); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("booklist.txt","r"); while(fscanf(fp,"%d%s%s",&book_id,book_name,book_author)!=EOF) { printf("%d\t %s\t %s\n ",book_id,book_name,book_author); } fclose(fp); }
Q2. Write C Program to create a data file named "student.txt" and store data under fields name, class and mark in computer. Progam should terminate according to user's choice. After that display them.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int student_class,computer_mark; char student_name[30]; char ch='y'; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("student.txt","w"); while(ch!='n') { printf("Enter student name, class and mark in computer: "); scanf("%s%d%d",student_name,&student_class,&computer_mark); fprintf(fp,"%s\t %d\t %d\n",student_name,student_class,computer_mark); printf("Add more records : "); scanf(" %c",&ch); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("student.txt","r"); while(fscanf(fp,"%s%d%d",student_name,&student_class,&computer_mark)!=EOF) { printf("%s\t %d\t %d\n ",student_name,student_class,computer_mark); } fclose(fp); }
Q3. Let, a datafile named 'book.txt' contains information of books (name,price,edition). Write a program in C language to add some more data and then print all the records of books having price more than 900.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { { char book_name[30],book_edition[10]; float book_price; char ch='y'; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("book.txt","a"); while(ch!='n') { printf("Enter Book name, price and edition : "); scanf("%s%f%s",book_name,&book_price,book_edition); fprintf(fp,"%s\t %f\t %s\n",book_name,book_price,book_edition); printf("Add more records : "); scanf(" %c",&ch); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("book.txt","r"); while(fscanf(fp,"%s%f%s",book_name,&book_price,book_edition)!=EOF) { if(book_price>900) printf("%s\t %f\t %s\n ",book_name,book_price,book_edition); } fclose(fp); }
Q4. Write a C program to create a data file "booklist.txt" which stores five records under heading book_id, book_name and book_author .
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int book_id,i; char book_name[30],book_author[30]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("booklist.txt","w"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("Enter book id, name and author: "); scanf("%d%s%s",&book_id,book_name,book_author); fprintf(fp,"%d\t %s\t %s\n",book_id,book_name,book_author); } fclose(fp); }