(XI) C Program Collections

1. Write C Program to display "Hello World".
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World"); return 0; }
2. Write C Program to display your name.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf(" Alex Lal Karn "); return 0; }
3. Write C Program to find sum of two numbers.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1,num2,sum; printf(" Enter First number : "); scanf("%d%d",&num1,&num2); printf(" Enter Second number : "); scanf("%d",&num2); sum=num1+num2; printf("Sum of two numbers is %d ", sum); return 0; }
4. Write C Program to calculate area and perimeter of a rectagle.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int length,breadth,area,perimeter; printf(" Enter Length of rectanlge : "); scanf("%d",&length); printf(" Enter Breadth of rectanlge : "); scanf("%d",&breadth); area=length*breadth; perimeter=2*(length+breadth); printf("Area of rectangle is %d ", area); printf(" \n Perimeter of rectangle is %d ", perimeter); return 0; }
5. Example programs of type conversion.
Example of Implicit type conversion
float c;
int a=5,b=2;
printf("Output is %0.2f" ,c);
Output is 2.00 }
Example of Explicit type conversion
float c;
int a=5,b=2;
printf("Output is %0.2f" ,c);
Output is 2.50
6. Write C Program to calculate simple interest.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { float p,t,r,si; printf(" Enter principal : "); scanf("%f",&p); printf(" Enter time : "); scanf("%f",&t); printf(" Enter rate : "); scanf("%f",&r); si=(p*t*r)/100; printf(" Simple Interst = %0.2f ", si); return 0; }
7. Write C Program to calculate sqaure root of given number.
#include <stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int num,root; printf(" Enter a number : "); scanf("%d",&num); root=sqrt(num); printf(" Square root of %d = %d ", num , root ); return 0; }
8. Write C Program to display the greater number among any two numbers.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1,num2; printf(" Enter First number : "); scanf("%d",&num1); printf(" Enter Second number : "); scanf("%d",&num2); if(num1>num2) printf("Greater number is %d",num1); else printf("Greater number is %d",num2); return 0; }
9. Write C Program to test whether the input number is even or odd.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num,rem; printf(" Enter any number : "); scanf("%d",&num); rem=num%2; if(rem==0) printf(" Given number is even"); else printf("Given number is odd."); return 0; }
10. Write C Program to find greatest number among three numbers
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1,num2,num3; printf("Enter three numbers"); scanf("%d%d%d",&num1,&num2,&num3); if(num1>num2&&num1>num3) printf("%d is greatest",num1); else if(num2>num1&&num2>num3) printf("%d is greatest",num2); else printf("%d is greatest",num3); return 0; }
11. Write C Program to find middle number among three numbers
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1,num2,num3; printf("Enter three numbers"); scanf("%d%d%d",&num1,&num2,&num3); if(num1>num2&&num1>num3) printf("%d is greatest",num1); else if(num2>num1&&num2>num3) printf("%d is greatest",num2); else printf("%d is greatest",num3); return 0; }
C program to find the multiplication of given number.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num,i,ans; printf("Enter any number : "); scanf("%d",&num); for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { ans=num*i; printf("\n %d ",ans); } return 0; }
C program to find the factorial of the given number.
The product of a given positive integer multiplied by all lesser positive integers: The quantity five factorial (5!) = 5x4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num,i,f=1; printf("Enter any number : "); scanf("%d",&num); for(i=num;i>=1;i--) { f=f*i; } printf("\n Factorial of %d is %d",num,f); return 0; }
Lab-27 Q1: C program to award grade on the basis of mark in Computer: 90+ = A+ 80 to 89 = A 70 to 79 = B+ 60 to 69 = B 50 to 59 = C+ 40 to 49 = C 35 to 39 = D Below 35 = NG
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int mark; printf("Enter Computer mark : "); scanf("%d",&mark); if(mark>=90) printf("Computer Grade = A+"); if(mark>=80&&mark<90) printf("Computer Grade = A"); if(mark>=70&&mark<80) printf("Computer Grade = B+"); if(mark>=60&&mark<70) printf("Computer Grade = B"); if(mark>=50&&mark<60) printf("Computer Grade = C+"); if(mark>=40&mark<50) printf("Computer Grade = C"); if(mark>=35&mark<40) printf("Computer Grade = D"); else printf("Computer Grade = NG"); return 0; }
Lab-27 Q2: C program to display 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int choice; printf("Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Sunday"); break; case 2: printf("Monday"); break; case 3: printf("Tuesday"); break; case 4: printf("Wednesday"); break; case 5: printf("Thursday"); break; case 6: printf("Friday"); break; case 7: printf("Saturday"); break; default: printf("Wrong Choice"); } return 0; }
Lab-28 Q1: C program to display first ten natural numbers.

for loop

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { printf("%d\n",i) ; } return 0; }

while loop

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i=1; while(i<=10) { printf("%d\n",i) ; i++; } return 0; }

do while loop

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i=1; do { printf("%d\n",i) ; i++; } while(i<=10); return 0; }
Lab-28 Q2: C program to calculate and display factorial of given number[n!=n*n-1*n-2*....*1] e.g. [5!=5*4*3*2*1=120]
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i,n,f=1; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=n;i>=1;i--) { f=f*i; } printf("Factorial of %d = %d",n,f); return 0; }
Lab-28 Q2: C program to calculate and display factorial of given number[n!=n*n-1*n-2*....*1] e.g. [5!=5*4*3*2*1=120]
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i,n,f=1; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=n;i>=1;i--) { f=f*i; } printf("Factorial of %d = %d",n,f); return 0; }
Lab-29 Q1: C program to display greatest number among ten different numbers using array
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num[10],i,great; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf("Enter num[%d] : ",i+1); scanf("%d",&num[i]); } great=num[0]; for(i=1;i<10;i++) { if(num[i]>great) great=num[i]; } printf("Greatest number = %d",great); return 0; }
Lab-29 Q2: C program to sort five integers numbers in ascending order
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num[5],i,j,temp; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("Enter num[%d] : ",i+1); scanf("%d",&num[i]); } for(i=0;i<5;i++) { for(j=i+1;j<5;j++) { if(num[i]>num[j]) { temp=num[i]; num[i]=num[j]; num[j]=temp; } } } printf("Sorted in Ascending order\n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { printf("%d\n ",num[i]); } return 0; }
Lab-30 Q1: C program to input the age of 20 students and count the number of students having age in between 20 to 25.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int age[20],i,count=0; for(i=0;i<20;i++) { printf("Enter age[%d] : ",i+1); scanf("%d", &age[i]); } for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if(age[i]>=20 && age[i]<=25) count++; } printf("Total number of students having age in between 20 to 25 is %d ", count); return 0; }
Lab-30 Q2: C program to input 'n' numbers and search whether it is in the list or not.[Program for sequential search].
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,num[100],i,searchnum; printf(" Enter array size not more than 100 : "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Enter num[%d] :", i+1); scanf("%d", &num[i]); } printf("Enter a number to be searched "); scanf("%d",&searchnum); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(searchnum==num[i]) { printf("%d is in the list", searchnum); break; } } if(n==i) printf(" %d is not in the list", searchnum); return 0; }
Lab-31 Explain strlen(),strupr(),strlwr(),strcat(),strrev(),strcpy() with examples.
String Handling Functions

The C library supports a large number of string handling functions that can be used to carry out many of the string manipulation. The header file #include<string.h> is used for string manipulation functions. Some of the common string manipulation functions are:

1. strlen() function

The strlen() function returns the length of a string which takes the string name as an argument.


where, str is the name of string and l is the length of the string, returned by function.

Example Program of strlen() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str[100]; int l; printf(" Enter a string : "); scanf("%s",str); l=strlen(str); printf(" The length of string is %d ",l); }
2. strrev() function

The strrev() function is used to reverse the given string.

where str is string to be reversed.
Example Program of strrev() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str[100]; printf(" Enter a string : "); scanf("%s",str); strrev(str); printf(" Reverse of the given string is %s ",str); }
3. strcpy() function

The strcpy() function is used to copy one string into another string.

where strl,str2 are two strings.
The content of string str2 is copied on string strl.
Example Program of strcpy() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str1[100],str2[100]; printf(" Enter a string : "); scanf("%s",str1); strcpy(str2,str1); printf(" After copying the string is %s ",str2); }
4. strcat() function

The strcat() function is used to join or concatenate one string into another string.


where str1,str2 are two strings. The content of string str2 is concatenated with string str1.

Example Program of strcat() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str1[100],str2[100]; printf(" Enter First string : "); scanf("%s",str1); printf(" Enter Second string : "); scanf("%s",str2); strcat(str1,str2); printf(" After concatenating the two string is %s ",str1); }
5. strcmp( ) function

The strcmp() function is used to compare two strings, character by character and stops comparison when there is a difference in the ASCII value or the end of any one string and returns ASCII difference of the character that is integer.


Where, str1 and str2 are two strings to be compared and v is a value returned by the function which is either zero(equal), positive value(descending) or negative value(ascending).

Example Program of strcmp() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str1[100],str2[100]; int v; printf(" Enter First string : "); scanf("%s",str1); printf(" Enter Second string : "); scanf("%s",str2); v=strcmp(str1,str2); if(v==0) printf(" Both strings are same. "); else if(v>0) printf(" %s comes after %s ",str1,str2); else printf(" %s comes before %s ",str1,str2); }
6. strlwr() function

The strlwr() function is used to convert upper case characters of string into lower case characters.

strlwr (str);
where str is string to be converted into lower case characters.
Example Program of strlwr() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str[100]; printf(" Enter a string : "); scanf("%s",str); strlwr(str); printf(" The string in lowercase is %s ",str); }
7. strupr() function

The strupr() function is used to convert lower case characters of string into upper case characters.

strupr (str);
where str is string to be converted into upper case characters.
Example Program of strupr() function
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str[100]; printf(" Enter a string : "); scanf("%s",str); strupr(str); printf(" The string in uppercase is %s ",str); }