Term-End Practical Examination
December , 2024 Time : 1 Hour Maximum Marks:50
Note: There are two questions in this paper carrying 20 marks each. Answer them both. Rest 10 marks are for viva-voce.
1. Create a database name 'StudentInfoDB'. Design tables STUDENT(StudentID, Name, Age, Gender, email address,mobile) and ENROLS_IN(EnrolID,StudentID,CourseID,Semester). Select approproate data types for each of hte fields. Identify the primary key etc. Input meaningful data for at least 10 records for each table. (20 marks) 2. For the above tables created in Q1, answer the following queries using SQL: (4×5=20 marks) (a) List all the students along with their details. (b) Display students by age group (c) Identify all students with CourseID=C012 (d) List all the 'Female" students. The End
Note: There are two questions in this paper carrying 20 marks each. Answer them both. Rest 10 marks are for viva-voce.
1. Create a database name 'StudentInfoDB'. Design tables STUDENT(StudentID, Name, Age, Gender, email address,mobile) and ENROLS_IN(EnrolID,StudentID,CourseID,Semester). Select approproate data types for each of hte fields. Identify the primary key etc. Input meaningful data for at least 10 records for each table. (20 marks) 2. For the above tables created in Q1, answer the following queries using SQL: (4×5=20 marks) (a) List all the students along with their details. (b) Display students by age group (c) Identify all students with CourseID=C012 (d) List all the 'Female" students.