Purbanchal University
BBA III Semester
LH: 48
Course Title : IT Tools for Business
System Code No. :IT 334
Area of Study: Core
Credit 3
Course objectives :
This course is designed to familiarize students with the usage of computers and information technology as tools for business. Students will gain practical skills in various software applications commonly used in business settings.
Course Objectives:
• Understand fundamental computer concepts and technology.
• Gain proficiency in using essential software applications for business.
• Develop skills in data management, analysis, and presentation.
• Explore emerging trends in information technology and their impact on business
Course Contents:
Unit 1: Introduction to Computers 3 hrs
• Introduction and characteristics of computer
• Basic operations of computers
• Types of computers (Digital and Analog computers)
• History and Evolution of Computers
o Generation of computers
• Applications of Computers
Unit 2: IT in Business and Society 2 hrs
• IT in everyday life and its impact on society
• Role of IT in modern business operations
• Management information System
o Component of Information System
o Types of Information System
• Social and ethical consideration in IT usage
Unit 3: Computer System Hardware 8hrs
• Introduction and components of CPU
• Anatomy of computer hardware
o Motherboard, CPU, RAM , Storage devices
• Computer Memory
o Introduction and Memory representation
o Memory Hierarchy
o Types of Storage devices (Primary memory, Secondary memory)
o Memory utilization in computing
• Input and Output Devices
o Types of Input devices
o Types of Output devices
o Input/output ports and its working
Unit 4: Computer Software 8 hrs
• Introduction and Software Categories
o System Software (Operating System)
o Application software (Freeware and Shareware software, Open Source software and Closed source Software
• Operating Systems
o Introduction and Types of OS
o Objectives and Functions of OS
o Popular operating systems (windows, macOS, Linux)
• Common Office Suites
o Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
o Google Workspace(Docs, Sheets, Slides)
o Creating and editing documents
o Formatting text, paragraph, and pages
• New Trends in Software
Unit 5: Internet and Networking 6 hrs
• Basics of Internet and World Wide Web
o How internet works
o Evolution of World Wide Web
• Browsers and Search Engines
o Popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox)
o Search engine usage and techniques
• Email Communication
o Setting up email accounts
o Composing, sending and receiving emails
• Introduction to Computer Networks
o Client-Server Architecture Vs. Peer to peer Architecture
o LANs, MANs, WANs. and network topology
o Basics of network protocols and IP addresses
o OSI Reference Model and its Comparison with TCP/IP Model
Unit 6: Cyber security and Data Privacy 5 hrs
• Threats to cyber security
o Cybercrimes and cyber threats (viruses, malwares, phishing, cyber bullying, online fraud, data breach, hacking, online harassment)
o Social engineering and identity theft
• Password Management
o Creating strong password
o Password managers
• Data Encryption and Secure Communication
o Encryption and its types
o Secure browsing and online transactions
• Online Privacy and Protection
o Protecting personal information online
o Privacy policies and legal rights
Unit 7: IT Governance and Ethics 6 hrs
• Introduction to IT Governance
o Key aspects of IT Governance
o Importance of IT Governance
• IT Governance Frameworks
o (ISO 38500, COBIT, ITIL, CMMI)
• Ethical considerations in IT
o Digital ethics and responsible IT usage
• Intellectual Property Rights
o Copyrights, Patents and trademarks
o Plagiarism and fair use
• Social and Legal Implications
o Social impact of technology
o Legal aspects of IT (Cyber law, liability)
Unit 8: IT Project Management 5 hrs
• Project management methodologies
o Waterfall, Prototype, Spiral, Agile, and Scrum
• IT Project Lifecycle
o Initiation , Planning, execution, monitoring and closure
• Tools for Project Planning
o Gantt charts and project scheduling
o PERT/CPM techniques for critical path analysis
• Case Studies in IT Project Management
o Real world examples of successful and failed IT projects
Unit 9: Emerging IT Trends and Innovations 5 hrs
• Cloud Computing and Virtualization
o Cloud service models (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS)
o Virtual machines and hypervisors
• Big data and Analytics
o Data collection, storage and analysis
o Business intelligence and data-driven decision making
• Internet of Things(IoT)
o IoT devices and applications
o IoT in smart homes and industries
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
o AI applications in business
o Ethics and challenges in AI adoption
Practical Session: Application Software for Business
MS Word Applications
- Paragraph writing
- Document Customization
- Inserting Graphics and Objects
- Mail Merge and Macros
MS Excel Applications
- Data Entry and Formatting
- Formulas and Functions
- Data Analysis with Charts
- Advanced Excel Features (Pivot Tables, Solver)
MS PowerPoint Applications
- Slide Creation and Formatting
- Animation and Transactions
- Multimedia Integration
- Collaborative Presentation Tools
MS Project Practical
- Introduction to Microsoft Project Software
- Project planning and scheduling
- Task assignment and resource management
- Gantt charts and projects tracking
Textbooks: • Introduction to Computer , Peter Norton’s , Tata McGraw – Hill Reference Books: • Computer Fundamentals by Anita Goel – Pearson Publication • Fundamentals of Computers, V. Rajaraman, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. • Fundamentals of Information Technology by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon – Leon Press
Textbooks: • Introduction to Computer , Peter Norton’s , Tata McGraw – Hill Reference Books: • Computer Fundamentals by Anita Goel – Pearson Publication • Fundamentals of Computers, V. Rajaraman, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. • Fundamentals of Information Technology by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon – Leon Press
Student Portfolio New
Unit 1 Introduction to Computers
Unit 2 IT in Business and Society
Unit 3 Computer System Hardware
Unit 4 Computer Software
Lab Time Office Package
Unit 1 Introduction to Computers
Unit 2 IT in Business and Society
Unit 3 Computer System Hardware
Unit 4 Computer Software
Lab Time Office Package
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)/Third Semester/Final
Time: 03:00 hrs. Full Marks: 60/Pass Marks: 24
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Figure in the margin indicate full marks.
Group A:
Analytical / Problem-Based Questions 1×10=10
1. Distinguish between primary and secondary memory with examples. Explain the types of primary memory in detail.
Group B: (Short answer type questions)
Answer Seven Questions. 7×5=35
2. What is computer? Write a brief history of computer.
3. Explain about the impact of IT in everyday life and society.
4. What is software? Explain the types of software with examples.
5. Define encryption and decryption. Briefly write about encryption technique.
6. How do you define internet and network? Write about the evolution of www.
7. What are the input and output devices? Explain one example of each.
8. What is big data? Explain the three V’s of big data.
9. What is machine learning? Write briefly about challenges of AI adoption.
10. What is cloud computing? Explain about virtual machines.
Group C (Very-short answer types questions)
Answer the questions. 5×3=15
11. How can we use IoT devices for smart homes?
12. What are the importances of IT governance?
13. What is plagiarism? Explain the ways of detecting plagiarism.
14. What is identity theft? How can we protect ourselves from it?
15. Differentiate between Analog and digital computers.
*****The End*****