(X) 2079 SEE Computer Science

SEE 2079(2023) रेगुलर चैतको परीक्षा ऐच्छिक द्धितीय कम्प्युटर विज्ञान
Group "A"
1. Answer the following questions in one sentence : 6*1=6 (a) What is network protocol? (b) What is e-commerce? (c) What is the default size of text field in MS Access? (d) Which data type is used to store photo in MS Access? (e) What is Looping? (f) List ant two data types used in C-programming language. 2. Write appropriate technical term for the following:2*1=2 (a) A program that can disinfect a file from virus. Ans : Antivirus (b) Learning through the electronic media. Ans: e-Learning 3. Write the full form of the following :2*1=2 (a) G2G = Government to Government (b) ISP = Internet Service Provider
Group "B"
4. Answer the following questions : 9*2=18 (a) What is network topology? List any two types of network topology. (b) What is antivirus software? Name any two popular antivirus softwares. (c) Define cyber law and cyber crime. (d) Define virtual reality. Write any two areas where virtual reality is used. (e) What is password? Write any two importance of password protection. (f) What is DBMS? Write four objects of MS Access. (g) What are validation text and validation rule? (h) What is form? Write two advantages of it. (i) What is record? Why is primary key necessary in record? 5. Write down the output of the given program : 2 DECLARE SUB Series(A) CLS A=20 CALL Series(A) END SUB Series(A) FOR K = 1 TO 5 PRINT A; A=A+10 NEXT K END SUB 6. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs : 2 REM program to make a word reverse DECLARE FUNCTION Rev$(N$) CLS LNPUT "Enter a word "; N$ DISPLAY "Reversed is";Rev$(N$) END EUNCTION Rev$(N$) FOR K = LEN$(N$) TO 1 STEP-1 B$=B$+MID$(N$,1,K) NEXT K B$=Rev$ END FUNCTION 7. Study the following program and answer the given questions : 2*1=2 DECLARE FUNCTION SUM(N) CLS INPUT "Enter any number ";N X=SUM(N) PRINT "The sum of individual digit is ";X END FUNCTION SUM(N) WHILE N<>0 R=N MOD 10 S=S+R N=INT(N/10) WEND SUM=S END FUNCTION (a) Write the function of INT. (b) How many times does the WHILE...WEND loop repeat if the value of N is 123?
Group "C"
8. Convert/Calculate as per the instruction: 4*1=4 (i) (10110011)2=(?)16 (ii) (410)10=(?)2 (iii) (1001+110)2-(1000)2 (iv) (10110)2÷(101)2 9. Answer the following questions. (4*2=8) (a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle to calculate its area and circumference. Create a user-defined function to calculate area and sub-program to calculate circumference. [Hint: A=πr2    C=2πr] (b) A sequential data file called “Record.dat” has stored data under the field headings: Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose marks in English is more than 40. 10. Write a program in C-language that asks any two numbers and displays the greatest among them.
Write a program in C-language in C-language to display the series with their sum. 1, 2, 3 , 4, …. , up to 10th term. The End