Computer 9 Revisions


Write QBASIC Program : 1. To calculate number of vowels in given string 2. To claculate number of consonants in given string 3. To reverse given string 4. To check whether the given string is palindrome or not 5. To reverse given number 6. To find sum of individual digits of given multi-digit number


Write HTML code for following: 1. (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 2. (a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2 3. 2H2+O2→2H2O 4. Zn+H2SO4→ZnSo4+H2↑ 5. Make table
Phone Directory
SN Name
1 Ram Prasad
2 Shyam Prasad
6. Make a list of 7 days with roman lower numbering i.e. i,ii,...vii.


Write Full form of following:
1. RAM 2. ROM 3. CPU 4. CRT
5. HTTP 6. CMYK 7. BIT 8. ISP
9. BIOS 10. QBASIC 11. GB 12. LCD
13. DVD 14. UPS 15. WORM 16. VGA
17. HDMI 18. MB 19. ASCII 20. bps
21. DPI 22. RPM 23. URL 24. ANSI
25. KB 26. RGB 27. VDT 28. TB


Display following pattern in QBASIC: (1) KATHMANDU ATHMAND THMAN HMA M (2) 54321 4321 321 21 1