SQL Lab Works 2022

A. Database practical session-1 (a) Create a database named ‘student’ Ans: CREATE DATABASE student; (b) Get inside the database. Ans: USE student; (c) Create a table named 'employee' with following fields. Employee_id—int primary key not null auto increment Employee_name--varchar(100) Ans: CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id int primary key not null auto_increment, employee_name varchar(100) ); (d) Delete the table. Ans: DROP TABLE employee; (e) Know whether that deleted table exists or not. Ans: SHOW TABLES; (f) Delete the database which you have created(student). Ans: DROP DATABASE student; (g) Know whether that deleted database exists or not. Ans: SHOW DATABASES;
B. Database practical session-2 a. Create a database named ‘student’. Ans: CREATE DATABASE student; b. Create a table ‘student’ with following fields. student_id--------------integer not null primary key auto increment student_name---------varchar(100) student_address-------varchar(100) student_grade----------integer(int) ANS; create table student ( student_id int not null primary key auto_increment, student_name varchar(100), student_address varchar(100), student_grade int ); c. Insert any 6 records using ‘insert’ and ‘values’ command. ANS: INSERT INTO STUDENT (student_name,student_address,student_grade) VALUES ('RAHUL GUPTA','KATHMANDU',12), ('RAJNIS BHANDARI','BANEPA',12), ('SAMRAT ADHIKARI','KTM',12), ('ANJAN PUDASAINI','BOUDHA',12), ('SUBAM KARKI','DURBAR MARGA',12), ('ALEX LAL KARN','DHARMASTHALI',1); d. Display all the records of all fields.(Use select *) ANS: SELECT * FROM STUDENT; e. Display all the records of fields student_id and student_name. Ans: select student_id,student_name from student; f. Display records of students whose name starts with letter ‘a’. Ans: select * from student where student_name like 'a%'; g. Display records of students whose name ends at letter ‘y’. Ans: select * from student where student_name like '%y'; h. Display all the records of students whose grade is 12. Use ‘where’ command. Ans: select * from student where student_grade=12; i. Display all the records of students whose grade is 12 and who are from address “Kathmandu”. Use ‘and’ operator. Ans: select * from student where student_grade=12 and student_address='Kathmandu'; j. Update the student name with any other name who has id 1. Ans: update student set student_name='Unnat Sapkota' where student_id=1; k. Delete the record of student whose id is 3. Ans: delete from student where student_id=3; l. Display the records of students in sorted order using field ‘student_name’. Use ‘order by field name asc/desc’. Ans: for ascending : select * from student order by student_name asc; for descending : select * from student order by student_name desc; m. Alter the table with following fields. Add one more field student_section---varchar(100). [Use alter and add command] Ans: alter table student add student_section varchar(100); Change the size of field student_address--varchar(200) [Use alter and modify command] Ans: alter table student modify student_address varchar(200);
C. Database practical session-3 a. Create a database named ‘employees’. Ans: create database employees; b. Create a table ‘employee’ with following fields. emp_id--------------integer not null primary key auto increment emp_name---------varchar(100) emp_position-------varchar(100) emp_salary----------float Ans: create table employee ( emp_id int not null primary key auto_increment, emp_name varchar(100), emp_position varchar(100), emp_salary float ); c. Insert any 6 records using ‘insert’ and ‘values’ command. Ans: insert into employee (emp_name,emp_position,emp_salary) values ('amrit khadka','officer',43689), ('anjan pudasainee','office assistant',30000), ('rajnis bhandari','security guard',25000), ('shubham karki','teacher',32000), ('kushal sharma','cleaner',45000), ('sonam sherpa','plumber',35000); d. Display all the records of all fields.(Use select *) Ans: select * from employee; e. Display all the records of fields’ emp_id and emp_name. Ans: select emp_id,emp_name from employee; f. Display records of employees whose name starts with letter ‘ab’. Ans: select * from employee where emp_name like 'ab%'; g. Display records of employees whose name ends at letter ‘y’ and starts from ‘b’. Ans: select * from employee where emp_name like 'b%y'; h. Display all the records of employees whose position is ‘engineer’. Ans: select * from employee where emp_position='engineer'; i. Display all the records of employees whose salary is in range 30000-45000. Ans: select * from employee where emp_salary>=30000 and emp_salary<=45000; j. Update the employees name with any other name who has id 1. Ans: update employee set emp_name='asia' where emp_id=1 ; k. Delete the record of employees whose id is 3. Ans: delete from employee where emp_id=3; l. Display the records of employees in sorted order. Use ‘order by field name asc/desc’. Ans: for ascending: select * from employee order by emp_name asc; for descending: select * from employee order by emp_name desc; m. Alter the table with following fields. Add one more field employees_address ---varchar(100). [insert after name field] Ans: ALTER TABLE employee ADD COLUMN employees_address VARCHAR(100) AFTER emp_name; Change the size of field emp _position--varchar(200) [Use alter and modify command] Ans: alter table employee -> modify emp_position varchar(200); n. Find the maximum and minimum salary in database. Ans: select max(emp_salary) from employee; for minimum salary: select min(emp_salary) from employee; o. Find the average salary distribution in database. Ans: select avg(emp_salary) from employee; [Note: Use both shell interface and graphical interface for these operations]