Set - A | Set - B | Set - C | Set - D | Set - E |
Group - A
Multiple Choice Questions [9 × 1 = 9]
Tick the best alternative.
1. Which one of the following is an input device?
a) Speaker b) Printer
c) Monitor d) Mouse
2. Which of the following is NOT a bus type?
a) Address bus b) Data bus
c) Memory bus d) Control bus
3. How to represent Boolean F(x,y)=x.y in logic gate?
Multiple Choice Questions [9×1=9]
Tick the best alternative.
1. Which one of the following is an output device?
a) Speaker b) Keyboard
c) Mouse d) Trackball
2. Which of the following is a type of port?
a) USB b) Register
c) High Definition d) DVD
3. Altogether we have .... types of universal gates.
a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5
4. ‘WINDOWS’ is an example of .... operating system.
a) GUI based
b) Multitasking operating system
c) Multiprogramming operating system
d) All of the above
5. The example of the inbuilt formula used in Excel is …......
a) Sum( ) b) $B$1
c) both a and b d) A1 Sum( )
6. Which looping process checks the test condition at the beginning of the loop?
a) for b) while
c) do-while d) loop
7. Which tag is used to insert an image in HTML?
a) <embed> b) <object>
c) <img src=...> d) all of the above (a,b, and c)
8. ... are the components of Multimedia?
a) PNG image b) audio files
c) a and b d) none of the above
9. MCAfee is an example of .....
a) Malware b) Software
c) Antivirus software d) Programming language
Give short answer to the following questions. [5 × 5=25]
1. What is memory? Explain about RAM. [1+4]
Describe the binary number subtraction using 2’s complement method with example. [2.5+2.5]
2. What is an operating system? Explain some features of about GUI based operating system? [2+3]
3. What is CSS concept? How would you use it in your web page? Give an example. [1+2+2]
Explain any five applications of multimedia. [5]
4. What is a nested loop? Differentiate between the do and while loop. [2+3]
5. Define the term ‘Information Security’. Suggest the prevention methods of cybercrime. [2+3]
Give long answer to the following question [2 × 8=16]
6. Explain computer architecture with block diagram and functions of its components.
Explain about AND, OR, XOR and XNOR logic gates. [8]
7. Write a program, using switch, to know the name of day on the basis entered number. E.g. [8]
If you enter 1, it says ,”It is Sunday”.
Multiple Choice Questions [9 x 1=9]
Tick the best alternative.
1. Full form of RAM is…..
a) Random Access Memory b) Randomized Memory
c) Read and Access Memory d) Registered Memory
2. Which of the following is the function of ALU unit?
a) Addition b) Subtraction
c) Division d) All of the above
3. NAND gate contains
a) First 'NOT' gate and then 'AND' gate
b) Two AND gates
c) Two NOT gates
d) 'AND' and 'NOT' gate
4. Unix operating system was written in
a) C b) Pascal
5. Excel and Ms-word are ….. software.
a) Application b) System
c) Antivirus d) Operating system
6. ‘==’ is called ….. operator?
a) relational b) unary
c) equals to d) a and c
7. HTML 5.0 uses the following ……. graphics tags?
a) canvas b) canvas 2.0
c) SVG d) a and c
8. ‘Jpeg’ is an extension of image files used in multimedia. It stands for ….
a) Joint Photographic Expert Group
b) Joint Photo Expert
c) Joint Photographic Expert
d) Join Photo by Expert Group.
9. Which of the following belongs to “Intellectual property Rights”?
a) Inventions b) Arts
c) Discoveries d) All of the above (a, b and c)
Give short answer to the following questions. [5 x 5=25]
1. Define the term ‘bus’. Explain its types. [1+4]
What is a binary number system? Write the steps to perform decimal to octal conversion with supporting example. [1+2+2]
2. What is an Open Source operating system? List out some features of android mobile operating system? [2+3]
3. Explain any five tags with attributes used in HTML 5.0 [5]
Explain any five uses of multimedia. [5]
4. What is an operator? Explain about ternary and size of () operator. [1+4]
5. Define the term ‘Cybercrime’. Suggest the prevention methods of cybercrime. [1+4]
Give long answer to the following question [2 x8=16]
6. Explain any four input devices. [4x2]
Define the term Logic function. Explain about X-OR, X-NOR and NOR gates. [2+6]
7. Write a program to show the concept of any four string handling functions. [8]
Multiple Choice Questions [9 1=9]
Tick the best alternative.
1. We can find microprocessor and memory on….
a) motherboard b) on keyboard
c) inside the mouse d) capacitor
2. Which unit controls the movement of signal between CPU and I/O?
a) Control unit b) Arithmetic and logic unit
c) Primary memory d) Hard disk
3. AND gate performs
a) multiplication operation b) addition operation
c) subtraction operation d) division operation
4. Which is not a multitasking operating system?
c) WINDOWS d) ubuntu
5. There are 3 types of cell reference.
a) true
b) false
6. Which is a valid identifier/variable name in C?
a) int a1; b) int a-1;
c) int 1a; d) int a b -1;
7. If we want to insert table in HTML we use...?
a) <table> tag b) <image> tag
c) <body> tag d) <table structure> tag
8. Which of the following is not video extension/type?
a) .mp4 b) .mpg
c) .wmv d) .sdv
9. Which of the following is a type of hacker?
a) white hacker b) black hacker
c) grey hacker d) all of the above (a,b,c)
Give short answer to the following questions. [5 x 5=25]
1. Define the term 'Microprocessor'. Write its functions. [1+4]
What is a decimal number system? Write the steps to perform decimal to binary conversion with supporting example. [1+2+2]
2. What is an 'Open Source software'? List out some features of IOS mobile operating system? [2+3]
3. List any three tags available in HTML 5.0 and explain anyone with an example. [1.5+3.5]
What is multimedia? Explain any two uses of multimedia. [1+4]
4. What is an array? Explain its types. [1+4]
5. Define the term 'Digital society'. What are the challenges we have been facing to use digital society? [1+4]
Give long answer to the following question [2 x 8=16]
6. What is a memory? Classify it. Explain any two types of primary memory. [1+2+5]
Define the term Boolean Algebra. Explain about basic gates. [2+6]
7. An array contains 20 elements. Now, write a program to find total positive numbers and negative numbers. [8]
Multiple Choice Questions [9 x 1=9]
Tick the best alternative.
1. Which one of the following is storage device?
a) Keyboard b) Monitor
c) Hard disk d) Printer
2. Which of the following is not a ROM type?
3. How to represent Boolean F(x,y)=(x.y)’ in logic gate?