(X) Pre-Send Up Computer Theory 2078

Sub: Computer Pre-Send UP Theory Exam 2078 Full Marks: 50
Class: X Time: 1.5 hrs
Group - A [10 Marks]

1. Answer the following questions in one sentence. [6*1=6] a. Define WAN. b. What are computer network? List any two advantages. c. List any two computer ethics. d. Write down the criteria for a query which display all records having Name start with ‘P’. e. Write any two examples of e-commerce . f. List any advantages of creating data file. 2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following: [2*1=2] a. A device that controls two dissimilar networks b. The websites that search document for specified keywords in WWW 3. Write the full forms of the following: [2*1=2] a. URL b. WAP

Group - B [24 Marks]

4. Answer the following questions. [9*2=18] a. Mention any four symptoms of virus affected computer. b. Compare simplex and half duplex. c. Differentiate between bridge and router. d. What is m-commerce? Write its two important services. e. What is IoT? Write any two importance of it. f. Compare database and DBMS. g. What is cyber ethics? Write any two cyber ethics. h. What is hardware security? Write the role of UPS in hardware security. i. Differentiate between output and append mode. 5. Write down the output of the given program. Show with dry run in table. [2] DECLARE SUB PATTERN() CALL PATTERN END SUB PATTERN A=2 FOR I = 1 TO 5 PRINT A; A=A+2 NEXT I END SUB 6. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs. [2] REM to copy data from “SAL.DAT” to “TEMP.DAT” data file OPEN “SAL.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 OPEN “TEMP.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #2 CLS DO WRITE # 2, N$ , P$, S INPUT #2,N$,P$,S LOOP WHILE NOT EOF( ) CLOSE #1,#2 END 7. Study the following program and answer the given questions. [2*1=2] DECLARE SUB MULTIPLICATION (N) INPUT “ENTER ANY NUMBER”, N CALL MULTIPLICATION (N) END SUB MULTIPLICATION (N) FOR I = 1 TO 10 A = N * I PRINT A NEXT I END SUB a. Write the name of procedure name used in above program. b. List the operator used in above program with its type.

Group - C [16 Marks]

8. Convert/calculate as per the instruction. [4*1=4] a. (CAD)16 = (?)2 b. (1021)8 = (?)10 c. (1101)2 + (1010)2¬ – (110)2 d. (1001001)2 ÷ (100)2 9. a) Write a QBASIC program to find the simple interest using function ... End function. [4] b) Write QBASIC program to test whether the given number is odd or even number using Sub...End Sub. [4] 10. Write a program that asks students' name, roll and class and stores into "class.txt" only those records who are studying in class 10. Users can supply the records as per his/her need. [4] OR A sequential data file "records.txt" has several records having fields Employee's Name, Post and Salary. Write a program to increase the salary of all employees by 10%. [4] The End