Sub: Computer | Pre-Send UP Practical Exam 2078 | Full Marks: 25 |
Class: X | SET - A | Time: 1 Hour |
Group - A [MS Access 5*2=10]
- Create a data file "Employee.MDB" and create a table "Emp1" under the database with the following structure.
- Add five records in the "Emp1" table.
- Prepare a query to display all the married staff.
- Prepare a query to display all the employees whose salary is more than 5000.
- Prepare the report of 1 (c).
Field Name Data Type Name Text Address Text Phone Number Text Marital Status Yes/No Salary Number Group - B [QBASIC Programming 5*3=15]- Write a program using SUB ... END SUB to calculate the volume of cuboids. [Hint: V = L*B*H]
- Write a program using SUB …. END SUB to display the following series: 1, 4, 9,16 .... 10th terms.
- Write a program using FUNCTION … END FUNCTION to check a number whether it is prime or composite.
- Write a program to create a data file "stu.dat" to store the Name, Roll no, Address and Email of the students.
- Write a program to display all the records whose name starts with "A" from the data file created in QN 2 (d).
Sub: Computer | Pre-Send UP Practical Exam 2078 | Full Marks: 25 |
Class: X | SET - B | Time: 1 Hour |
Group - A [MS Access 5*2=10]
- Create a database "EMPREC.MDB" and create a table "GENINFO" under the database with the following structure.
Field Name Data Type Ecode Number(Primary Key) Ename Text Epost Text Djoin Date/Time Permanent Yes/No Salary Currency - Add any five records in the table.
- Create a form including all the fields to perform data entry in future.
- Create a query to list all the records including the fields Encode, Ename, and Salary having salary more than 10,000.
- Create an update query to increase salary by 25% for the records having Epost as "ASSISTANT".
Group - B [QBASIC Programming 5*3=15]- Create a database "EMPREC.MDB" and create a table "GENINFO" under the database with the following structure.
- Write a program using FUNCTION-END FUNCTION to calculate and return area of circle.
- Write a program to print square root of a number using SUB procedure.
- Write a program to print sum of natural numbers from 1 to 10 using SUB-END SUB statement.
- A sequential data file "RECORD.DAT" contains several records having fields NAME, ADDRESS, AGE AND TEL.NO. Write a program to add more records to the file at the end of the file.
- Write a program to count the number of records having the AGE greater than 70 in the file "RECORD.DAT" created in QN 2 (d).
Sub: Computer | Pre-Send UP Practical Exam 2078 | Full Marks: 25 |
Class: X | SET - C | Time: 1 Hour |
Group - A [MS Access 5*2=10]
- Create a database "Student.mdb" and create a table "MARKS" under the database with the following structure.
- Add any five records in the table.
- Create a query to display all the records with fields Symbol_No, FName and DOB.
- Prepare an update query to increase the marks of Nepali of all the students by 5%.
- Prepare a report on the basis of the query created on question no 1 (c)
Field Name Data Type Symbol_No Number(Primary Key) Fname Text DOB Date/Time English Number Nepali Number Group - B [QBASIC Programming 5*3=15]- Write a program using FUNCTION-END FUNCTION to get a number from the user and print the number in reverse order.
- Write a program using SUB-END SUB to display first 13 odd numbers.
- Write a program using SUB-END SUB to print the sum of first 19 even numbers.
- Write a program to create sequential data file to store Name, Age, Passport Number and Nationality of the users.
- Write a program to display the content of the sequential data file created in QN 2(d).
Sub: Computer | Pre-Send UP Practical Exam 2078 | Full Marks: 25 |
Class: X | SET - D | Time: 1 Hour |
Group - A [MS Access 5*2=10]
- Create a database "salary.mdb" and create a table named "Employee" with the following structure.
- Add any five records in the above table.
- Create a query to display all the records with fields Name , Basic_Salary , Provident_Fund.
- Prepare an update query to increase the Basic_Salary of the entire employee by 2000.
- Prepare a report containing Name , Basic_Salary , Provident_Fund and Gross_Salary Fields
Field Name Data Type SN Number(Primary Key) EName Text Basic Salary Number Basic_Salary Number Provident_Fund Number Gross_Salary Number Group - B [QBASIC Programming 5*3=15]- Write a program using FUNCTION-END FUNCTION to get a word from the user and then print the word in reverse order.
- Write a program using SUB-END SUB to display 2,2, 4,6,10 ….. Up to 10th terms.
- Write a program using SUB-END SUB to print the area of rectangle.
- Write a program to create sequential data file to store Name, Age, Phone Number and Address of the users.
- Write a program to display the contents of the sequential data file created in Question Number 2(d).