(X) Project Work List

1st Mid Term Computer Project Work

click here Cover Page Submit By or Before : 22nd May , Wednesday - Make a report on topic "Types of LAN topology". - Each topology must contain brief introduction , image and features, advantages and disadvantages. - Send softcopy of your report to email ID :plkcomputersir at gmail dot com.

First Term Computer Project Work

Take screenshot of following tasks which is given below and make a report and send it to PLKcomputerSIR@gmail.com by or Before 10th July 2024

A. Create a database "school". Create a table "student" with following fields(Design View).
Field Name Data type
StudentID Autonumber
StudentName Text
English Number
Nepali Number
Computer Number
  1. Make StudentID as primary key.
  2. Set Caption "Eng Mark" , "Nep Mark" and "Comp Mark".
  3. Set default value 10 for field class .
  4. Set the validation rule: >=0 AND <=100
  5. Set the validation text : Enter the marks between 0 to 100.
  6. Enter any five data in table "student".[Datasheet View]
B. Create following queries:
  1. Display all records of table "student".
  2. Display all records in descending order of marks of Computer.
  3. Display all those records, where the mark in "English" are greater than or equal to 80.
  4. Display all those records where marks in all subjects are greater than or equal to 80.
  5. Display all those records where student name start with "A" or "S".
  6. Display all the records for those students whose marks in "Computer" are between 60 to 80.
  7. Display records by student ID.
  8. Delete the records of "abc" student.
  9. Update the marks of English by 10 to all students.
  10. Calculate total by adding marks of Eng, Nepali and Computer.
  11. Calculate Average by dividing total by 3.
  12. Make remarks if average marks is greater than or equal to 40 then "Pass" , otherwise "Fail".
C. Create form of table student using form Wizard.
D. Add two more records using Form crated above.
E. Make a report of table "student".
F. Make a report of query "q7 " created above.
2nd Mid Term Computer Project Work

Submit your project report by or before : 11th September

Instructions for Your Project: "Navigating the Digital Landscape: Ethical, Secure, and Technological Innovations in E-Commerce" Cover Page: - Include the following information: - Your Name - Your Class - Your Roll Number - Project Title: Navigating the Digital Landscape: Ethical, Secure, and Technological Innovations in E-Commerce Introduction: - Write a brief introduction (1-2 paragraphs): - Explain the importance of understanding ethical issues, security, and technology in the context of e-commerce. Chapters: Chapter 2: Ethical and Social Issues in ICT - Discuss ethical considerations in the use of ICT, such as privacy, data security, and the digital divide. Chapter 3: Computer Security - Explain key concepts in computer security, including the importance of protecting data and systems from cyber threats. Chapter 4: e-Commerce - Explore the role of technology in transforming traditional commerce into e-commerce, including the advantages and challenges. Chapter 5: Contemporary Technology - Discuss recent technological advancements and their implications for the future of e-commerce and society as a whole. Formatting: - Ensure your project is well-organized and easy to read: - Use neat handwriting or type the project. - Use headings and subheadings where necessary. Visuals: - Include diagrams where applicable: Conclusion: - Write a brief conclusion (1 paragraph): - Summarize the key points from each chapter and the importance of integrating ethical, secure, and technological practices in e-commerce. You can mail your report to plkcomputersir[at] gmail[dot]com