YouTube Channel PLK computer SIR Video Tutorial List

YouTube Channel - PLK computer SIR
    Computer Fundamentals - IX
  1. Ch-1 Introduction to Computer | Part - 1
  2. Ch - 1 Introduction to Computer | Part 2
  3. Ch - 2 Computer System Part -1
  4. Ch - 2 Computer System Part - 2
  5. Ch - 3 Input Output Devices | Part - 1
  6. Ch-3 Input Output Devices | Part 2
  7. Ch-3 Input Output Devices Part 3
  8. Number System
  9. Decimal to Binary , Octal and Hexadecimal Conversion
  10. Binary ,Octal , Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
  11. Binary to Octal and Hexadecimal Conversion and Vice Versa
  12. Octal to Hexadecimal Conversion
  13. Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion
  14. Binary Addition
  15. Binary Subtraction
  16. Binary Multiplication
  17. Binary Division
  18. HTML
  19. HTML fundamentals Theory - Part 1
  20. HTML fundamentals Theory - Part 2
  21. Formatting Tag of HTML
  22. How to create table in HTML?
  23. Heading and Marquee Tag in HTML
  24. Ordered , Unordered and Definition List in HTML
  25. Nested Ordered List OL in HTML
  26. How to insert image / pictures in HTML?
  27. Hyperlink in HTML
  28. Database
  29. Introduction to DBMS
  30. Create a Table from Scratch
  31. Create Table , Query , Form & Report using MS Access
  32. QBASIC - Grade 9
  33. Pre Test and Post Test Loop
  34. FOR - NEXT Loop
  35. WHILE - WEND Loop
  37. Nested Loop Pattern-1
  38. Nested Loop Pattern-2
  39. Nested Loop Pattern-3
  40. Nested Loop Pattern-4
  41. String Pattern in QBASIC
  42. Output of QBASIC | Grade - 9
  43. Grade 9 | Debugging of QBASIC Program
  44. Grade 9 | Analytical QBASIC Program
  46. Analytical QBASIC Program
  47. Debug - QBASIC Program Correction
  48. SEE QBASIC output Part 1
  49. C Programming
  50. C program to display "Hello World"
  51. C program to find sum of two numbers
  52. C Program to find the square of given number
  53. C Program to calculate simple interest
  54. C Program to find remainder of two numbers
  55. C Program to convert minutes into hour and minutes
  56. C Program to test given number is even or odd
  57. C Program to check student is pass or fail in computer if pass mark is 40
  58. C Program to find profit or loss
  59. C Program to test given number is positive, negative or zero
  60. C Program to find commision amount on the basis of sales amount
  61. C Program to find greatest || smallest among three numbers
  62. C Program to find middle number among three numbers
  63. C Program to find greatest number among four numbers