QBASIC Programming Tips

Programming Error done by students in EXAM
Programming Errors What Student was writing? What student must write?
Not proving the value of pi eg. area of circle, volume of cylinder. A=π*R2
A = (22/7) * R ^ 2
Not writing comma before variable in INPUT or PRINT Statement Input “Enter length and breadth” L,B
Print “Area is ” A
Input “Enter length and breadth” , L,B
Print “Area is ” , A
Not using the small bracket during multiplication and division process I = P * T * R / 100 I = ( P * T * R) / 100
Missing arguments in call statement eg. declare sub sum (a,b)
call sum
call area (a,b)
Not giving multiply sign properly mul = a x b mul = a * b
Not providing the multiply sign between two operands P = 2 ( L + B) P=2 * ( L + B )
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