Grade 9 | Computer Science Specification Grid 2077 BS

Computer Science (Optional II) Grade 9 (Specification Grid ) Time: 2 hrs Full Marks:50
Group 'A' (10 Marks)
1. Answer the following questions in one sentence. [6×1=6] a. Computer Fundamentals b. Computer Fundamentals c. c. HTML Theory d. HTML Theory e. QBASIC Theory f. QBASIC Theory 2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following: [2×1=2] a) Computer Fundamentals b) Computer Fundamentals 3. Write the full forms of the following: [2×1=2] a) Computer Fundamentals b)Computer Fundamentals
Group 'B' (24 Marks)
4. Answer the following questions. [9×2=18] Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals HTML Theory HTML Theory HTML Code HTML Code 5. Output of QBASIC with dry run [2] 6. Debug - QBASIC program correction [2] 7. Analytical QBASIC Program . [2×1=2]
Group 'C' (16 Marks)
8. QBASIS statements writing. [4×1=4] 9. (a) QBASIC program without loop [ Simple mathematical programs] 9. (b) QBASIC program writing [Looping and conditional] 10. QBASIC Looping with condition
10. QBASIC Series Program [ Fibonacci, Hail Stone etc] THE END