- Differentiate between variable and constant with examples.
Answer: T - List any four rules for variable naming.
Answer: T - What is the purpose of variable declaration?
Answer: T - List any two header file of C Programming.
Answer: T - What is the function of printf and scanf?
Answer: T - Define statement. Briefly explain the simple and compound statements with their examples.
Answer: T - Define data type in C Programming. List the data types used in C Programming with brief description.
Answer: The fundamental unit of C programming mainly used to define the type and nature of data such that compiler detects and proceeds is called data type in C.
The primary data types of C are listed is following table.
SN Data Type Keyword Type Specifier 1 Decimal Integer(Whole numbers ONLY) int %d 2 Single Precision of 6 digits decimal points
(Fractional Number)float %f 3 Single Character char %c 4 String [Collection of Characters] char v_name[size]; %s - What is operator in C? Make list of arithmetic operator with their meaning and examples.
Answer: The symbols, which are used to computer values based on mathematical calculations , and test multiple conditions is called operators. - Make list of Relational operator with their meaning and examples.
Answer: T - Make list of Logical operator with their meaning with examples.
Answer: T - Define assignment operator with examples.
Answer: T - Define unary operator. List the four forms of unary operator with their brief description.
Answer: T - Define ternary operator with syntax and one example.
Answer: T - Define Comma Operator with example.
Answer: T - Define size of operator with example.
Answer: T - Make a table showing the precedence and associativity of C operators.
Answer: T - Define expressions. Convert following algebraic expression into C expression.
Answer: T - Define type conversion in C. Explain Implicit and Explicit type conversion with examples.
Answer: T - Define Library function. Make a table of some common library function of C with their meanings.
Answer: T - Differentiate between printf() and scanf() along with their syntax and examples.
Answer: T