SEE Computer Science Grid 2077 BS

Computer Science – Grade 10 (SEE) 2077BS

Theoretical Question Pattern (50 Marks)
Time: 1 hr 30 Minutes
    Group “A” [10 Marks]
  1. Answer the following questions in one sentence: (6*1=6)
    1. Computer Fundamentals
    2. Computer Fundamentals
    3. Database
    4. Database
    5. QBASIC Programming
    6. C Programming
  2. Technical Terms (2*1=2)
    1. Computer Fundamentals
    2. Computer Fundamentals
  3. Full forms (2*1=2)
    1. Computer Fundamentals
    2. Computer Fundamentals
    Group “B” [24 Marks]
  4. Answer the following questions: (9*2=18)
    1. Computer Fundamentals
    2. Computer Fundamentals
    3. Computer Fundamentals
    4. Computer Fundamentals
    5. Computer Fundamentals
    6. Database
    7. Database
    8. Database
    9. Database
  5. QBASIC Output finding with Dry Run - 1*2=2
  6. QBASIC Program Correction (Debugging) - 1*2=2
  7. QBASIC Analytical Questions - 2*1=2
  8. Group “C” [16 Marks]
  9. Number System (Conversion / Calculation) - 4*1=4
  10. QBASIC Program Writing
    1. Sub and Function Procedure - QBASIC - 1*4=4
    2. File Handling in QBASIC - 1*4=4
  11. C Program Writing (if statement or Looping)-1*4=4
  12. The End

Full forms:
  • VSAQ - Very Short Answer Question (1 Marks)
  • SAQ - Short Answer Question (2 Marks)
  • LAQ - Long Answer Question(4 Marks)
1. Computer Fundamentals (20) 6 5 1
2. Database (10) 2 4 -
3. QBASIC Programming (15) 3 2 2
4. C Programming(5) 1 - 1
Marks Division (50) 12*1=12 11*2=22 4*4=16

Curriculum Development Center(CDC)
Model Set 2076 (Grade 10)

Subject : Computer Science
Time: 1 hr 30 min
Full Marks: 50
    Group “A” [10 Marks]
  1. Answer the following questions in one sentence: (6*1=6)
    1. What is search engine?
    2. What is the business done through the internet?
    3. Which data type is used to store alpha numeric character or special symbols in MS Access?
    4. Which view is used to modify a table in MS Access?
    5. What is modular Programming?
    6. Write any two features of C Language.
  2. Write appropriate technical term for the following: (2*1=2)
    1. Law that governs the legal issues of cyber space
    2. The smallest unit to represent information on quantum computer
  3. Write the full forms of following: (2*1=2)
    1. STP
    2. WAP
    Group “B” [24 Marks]
  4. Answer the following questions: (9*2=18)
    1. What is computer network? Enlist any two advantages of it.
    2. What is computer ethics? Write any two of them.
    3. What is software security? Write any two measures of hardware security.
    4. What is m-commerce? Write its two important services.
    5. What is IoT? Write any two importance of it.
    6. What is database? Give any two examples.
    7. What is primary key? List any two advantages of it.
    8. What is data sorting? List any two advantages of using it.
    9. What types of work is done in MS Access using form and query object?
  5. Write down the output of the given program. Show with dry run in table.(2)
    SUB SHOW (A)
    B= A MOD 6 + 3
    PRINT B;
    LOOP WHILE A>=50
  7. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs: (2)
  8. REM to add record in an existing file.
    Open “Record.dat” for output as #1
    Input “Enter Name, Class and Roll No” ; Nm$, Cl, Rn
    Input #2, Nm$, Cl , Rn
    Input “more records”; y$
    If ucase$(y$)= “Y” then goto AA:
    Close “Record.dat”
  9. Study the following program and answer the given questions: (2*1=2)
  10. Open “Detail.dat” for input as #1
    Open “Temp.dat” for output as #2
    Input “Enter name of the students”; SN$ For I = 1 to 10
    Input #1, Nm$, Cl, A
    If SN$ < > Nm$ then
    Write #2, Nm$, Cl , A
    End If
    Next I
    Close #1, #2
    Kill “Detail.dat”
    Name “Temp.dat” As “Detail.dat”
    1. What is the main objective of the program given above?
    2. Do you get any problem in the above program if “kill” statement is removed? Give reason.
    Group “C” [16 Marks]
  11. Number System (Conversion / Calculation) - 4*1=4
    1. (11001101)2 = (?)16
    2. (524)10 = (?)2
    3. (1010)2 x (110)2 - (1011) 2 = (?)2
    4. (10110)2 ÷ (101)2
    1. Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height of room and calculates its area and volume. Create a user-defined function to calculate area and sub-program to calculate volume.
      Hint: [A=L x B], [V=L x B x H]. (4)
    2. A sequential data file called "Record.txt" has stored data under the field heading Roll No, Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose gender are “F” and obtained marks in computer is more than 90. (4)
  12. Write a program in C language that asks a number and check whether it is odd or even. (4)
    #include<stdio.h> int main() { int num; printf("Enter any number : "); scanf("%d",&num); if(num%2==0) printf("\n %d is even number ",num); else printf("\n %d is odd number ",num); return 0; }
    Write a program in C language to display the series with their sum 1, 2, 3, 4 ... up to 10th terms. (4)
  13. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int i,sum=0; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { printf("%d\t",i); sum=sum+i; } printf("\n Sum of series from 1 to 10 is %d",sum); return 0; }
    The End

Practical Evaluation (50 Marks)

  1. External Practical Work - 25 marks
    1. Group "A" Database Management System -[5x2=10]
      1. Create a table
      2. Insert data into table
      3. Make a query
      4. Make a form or report
    2. Group "B" QBASIC -[3x3=9]
      1. Sub - End Sub
      2. Function - End Function
      3. File Handling
    3. Group "C" C Programming - [2x3=6]
      1. if statement
      2. Looping statement
  2. Internal Practical Work - 25 marks
    1. MS – Access Project work – 9 Marks
    2. QBASIC Programming Project Work – 10 Marks
    3. C Programming Lab Sheet 1 and 2 – 6 Marks

External Practical Model Set 2077

    Group “A” [ MS Access - 10 Marks]
    1. Create a database “School” and create table “info” with the following structure. (2)
    2. Field Name Data Type
      Roll Number (Primary Key)
      Name Text
      DOB Date/Time
      English Number
      Science Number
      Computer Number
    3. Add any five records in “info” table. (2)
    4. Create query to display Name, Eng and Comp fields. (2)
    5. Increase the marks of English by 7% of every student. (2)
    6. Prepare a report consisting of Roll, Name, DOB and Computer fields. (2)
    Group “B” [ QBASIC - 9 Marks]
    1. Write a QBASIC sub program to find simple interest. (3)
    2. Write a program in QBASIC using Function … End Function to reverse a given string. (3)
    3. Create a data file named “plk.txt” which stores Student name, class, address and email. Program should terminate according to user’s choice. (3)
    Group “C” [ C Programming - 6 Marks]
    1. Write a C program to print the largest number among two different numbers. (3)
    2. Write a C program to display:  7, 22, 11 … up to 10th terms. (3)
    The End

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